Who Is A Good Candidate For An Areola Tattoo?
Most people who get an areola tattoo are women who have survived breast cancer. In many cases, women who get a single or double mastectomy will get reconstructive surgery, along with an areola tattoo, so they can feel more confident and comfortable in their body. The best areola tattoo will look natural and be placed in the correct area and will be performed by a true medical tattoo artist like Ruth Swissa. An areola tattoo is a very good alternative to nipple reconstruction surgery for those who want faster results, no pain, and really something that is just much easier.
An areola tattoo isn’t just for people who have had reconstructive breast surgery. If you have survived an accident that scarred your breasts, you may have a misshapen areola. An areola tattoo can visually improve the size, shape, and color of the nipple. It is also a well-known route enabling women to reconnect with their previous self.
Why Is The Areola Pigmentation Technique So Special?
The areola pigmentation technique application is truly special due in part to its use of flesh-colored pigments to the restored areas of the areola. It is also a special procedure because it is less invasive than a painful skin-grafting procedure, which for many years was the only available method of restoring balanced coloration to the area. The process of areola pigmentation is a careful one and takes several visits to obtain the desired result.
What Is A 3D Areola Tattoo And Why Is It Popular?
It takes a rare skill to create the best 3D areola tattoo, but Ruth Swissa is a true master of this art. A 3D areola tattoo looks like an authentic nipple and areola with a unique, high-quality degree of detail that gives a three-dimensional appearance of an areola and nipple. The 3D areola tattoo specialist will use advanced shading techniques, shadowing, and other artistic skills to give a real three-dimensional look to give women full confidence in their breasts again. Ruth Swissa is regarded as the best 3D areola tattoo artist for her uncanny ability and artist’s eye for creating shades that resemble the patient’s original nipple while complimenting their natural skin tone.
Why Ruth Swissa For Areola Pigmentation, And A 3D Areola Tattoo?
When it comes to areola pigmentation, the art of the 3D areola tattoo, and the entire field of medical cosmetics, Ruth Swissa is highly respected and recommended by top doctors and surgeons who often refer their patients to her for areola pigmentation and restoration. This is because Ruth utilizes a variety of different application techniques, sensibly tailored to each patient. One of the more sought-after techniques is the 3D areola pigmentation — this technique creates a hyper realistic areola complexion by means of advanced color blending and its intricate application process. Other varying methods are used in combination or individually for the outcome a patient desires, and one that will best suit the patient’s skin type/coloration. The re-application of an areola truly marks the final, triumphant step in the journey of a breast-cancer survivor, instilling a renewed sense of self by way of restoration. The return of an areola to a bare breast reclaims the womanhood that breast cancer had cruelly appropriated.
Can Areola Pigmentation Camouflage Scars?
Yes, areola pigmentation, performed by Ruth Swissa, can camouflage scars around the areola. Ruth Swissa specializes in skin camouflage and prides herself on her sharp color-blending sensibilities. Areola restoration is one of Swissa’s most sought after procedures for its extremely natural-looking results. Ruth Swissa is now the recommended CMM for Cedar Sinai Hospital due to her advanced artistic abilities, and is why she has been featured, multiple times, on ‘Botched’.
Ruth Swissa