When is Micropigmentation Treatment Appropriate to Restore the Whole Person?

Micropigmentation, also commonly referred to as permanent makeup, is used for two primary reasons: (1) for people who want to avoid the daily chore of applying makeup, and (2) to improve the appearance of those who were in an accident, had a surgery that left behind scars, and to camouflage birthmarks. Just watch the amazing video featured in this blog to see some incredible examples.

Ruth Swissa offers the best micropigmentation and permanent makeup services in Los Angeles, and in the entire country; she has been featured on the hit TV show ‘Botched’ more than a dozen times, while working with Cedar Sinai Medical Center and some of the top plastic surgeons in the country. After you finish reading this article in order to learn about micropigmentation for birthmarks, be sure to give us a call to book your consultation.


What is Micropigmentation?

Micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure that’s highly innovative and enables people to enhance the shape of their lips, hairline, eyebrows, eyes and much more. It also camouflages birthmarks, surgical scars, and scars from acne and injuries. Micropigmentation is achieved through the process of depositing pigment into the dermal layer of the skin and requires a skilled permanent makeup artist with medical knowledge like Ruth Swissa. Micropigmentation is long-lasting and helps people emotionally recover from traumatic events, boosts self-confidence, and enables people to feel as beautiful as they are on the inside.


Micropigmentation for Birthmarks

Birthmarks come in a wide range of types, textures, sizes, and they can appear anywhere on the body. Regardless if you have a cafe-au-lait birthmark, a mole, salmon patches, port wine stain birthmarks, Mongolian spots, or any other pigmented or vascular birthmark, these can be improved with micropigmentation. Birthmarks can cause a lot of grief for many individuals. If it is on the face, it can especially cause self-esteem challenges, and make dating, working, and simply going out in public awkward due to the perception that others have. Birthmarks in more intimate areas can truly impede one from living a life filled with romance, and many men and women with birthmarks on their abdomen, thighs, and other areas that are exposed when wearing a bathing suit makes people feel insecure on the beach. Ruth Swissa is not only a leading expert in treating birthmarks using micropigmentation, but people from all over the world come to Los Angeles to book micropigmentation at her locations in Beverly Hills and Calabasas.


The Best Micropigmentation Services for Treating Birthmarks Goes Hand-In-Hand With Compassion

While most people would rather not have a birthmark, many also recognize that, regardless of its appearance, it is a part of them. Even camouflaging obvious birthmarks on sensitive areas of the body, even though the client wants it covered up, can still be an emotional experience. How you feel about covering up your birthmark, and how you feel about micropigmentation is important because your feelings shape the entire experience.

Aside from seeing favorable results that exceed expectations, one of the things Ruth Swissa is praised for the most is her bedside manner, and her genuine care and compassion for her clients. When having consultations with her clients, Ruth truly feels their burden and makes it her passion to give every client a fresh new look using micropigmentation that enables her patients to live their best life possible, as they look and feel beautiful and confident.


Lip micropigmentation


Is Micropigmentation Painful When Using It for Birthmark Camouflage?

The majority of people who get micropigmentation to cover up their birthmark report only mild discomfort. At Ruth Swissa, a numbing cream is applied to make you more comfortable, and since the needles are significantly smaller and thinner than the ones used by standard tattoo artists, micropigmentation is almost always significantly less painful than getting a tattoo.


Are there Side Effects from Micropigmentation?

In most cases there are no side effects from micropigmentation, but when people do experience them, they are minor. Some of the common side effects experienced from micropigmentation include the following:


    • Minor itching
    • Redness of the skin
    • Scabbing
    • Minor bleeding
    • Minor bruising

These side effects usually go away within 24 to 48 hours, and again, most people who go to Ruth Swissa do not experience side effects. Some areas of the body are more sensitive than others and therefore may be more prone to side effects. In fact, some areas of the face are even more susceptible than others. However, when you are under the care of Ruth Swissa you are in the best hands.


Now is the Time to Change Your Life: Call Ruth Swissa for Micropigmentation for Your Birthmark

You are beautiful, and now is the time to look and feel as glorious as you really are. Contact Ruth Swissa today for a micropigmentation consultation, and learn how it works to remove or camouflage your birthmark. Our caring staff is standing by to take your call, and work closely with you through every step of the process.

Swissa Skincare Regiment
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